🔐Postback Information

What is a Postback?

A postback allows you to receive notifications on your server every time your account receives a conversion. This is necessary in order for you to be able to provide your users with rewards. For example, whenever you receive a conversion, you may wish to be notified what the payout, user ID, and point value is.

We are also able to send you a postback in the case that a lead may be reversed.

Example Postback URL


We will replace all of the macros, such as {user_id}, with the actual value (such as "JohnWick19999".) On your server, you will read the "user_id" GET variable to retrieve this macro's value.

Chargebacks: in order to receive postbacks for chargebacks/reversals, your postback URL must contain the {status} macro.

Available Macros:

You may add any of the following macros to your postback URLs. They will be replaced with the corresponding values.

MacroReplaced ValueVariable Type



String or Integer


Name of the offer as displayed on the AdOffers dashboard



ID of the offer as displayed on the AdOffers dashboard



Number of points/credits the user should be rewarded with

Decimal or Integer


Number of points/credits by dollar the user NOT REQUIRED

Decimal or Integer


ip address for request country code offer completed NOT REQUIRED



Number of [1-2] (1) is Completed & (2) is Chargeback NOT REQUIRED


Security Recommendations

To prevent tampering, it is important that the postback URL that is used is unique to AdOffers. For additional security, you may whitelist the following server IP:

Last updated