😍Getting Started

What is AdOffers?

AdOffers is the leading solution for rewarded advertising. AdOffers helps website and app developers monetize their user base with non-intrusive advertising.

Publisher account creation

1. You need to create a Publisher Account to start using our services. The registration process is very easy, just complete the required form fields.

2. Once you create your account, expect to receive a confirmation email. Click on the confirmation link in order to complete the registration process.

3. After you confirm your E-mail, you can login.

4. When you login you will be presented with the \home page, which is presenting empty statistics because you don’t have any activity yet.

5. At this point, your account is being reviewed. You can create apps and update your payment information while your account is pending but you’ll not be able to see offers. Account activation process may take up to 48 hours.

Last updated